11 new regions of the genome involved in the appearance of Alzheimer’s disease has been identified

The results of a large international study, described in an article published in the journal Nature Genetics dated 27 October 2013, has identified eleven new regions of the genome involved in the appearance of Alzheimer’s disease. There were obtained through a unique global collaborative effort by the best researchers in the field.

This largest international study ever conducted on Alzheimer’s disease, as part of the IGAP (International Genomics of Alzheimer Project) international consortium, coordinated by the joint research unit comprising Inserm, the Pasteur Institute at Lille-University Lille Nord de France ‘Public health and molecular epidemiology of diseases associated with ageing’ and LabEx DISTALZ, directed by Philippe Amouyel, has identified eleven new regions of the genome involved in the appearance of this neuro-degenerative disease.

This work provides an overview of the molecular mechanisms at the root of the disease, revealing a better understanding of the physiopathology of this curse.

- Read more: Inserm website

Dernière modification : 31/10/2013

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